“Sach ta par jania ja ridha sacha hoi.” (Asa di Var, Sri Guru Granth Sahib)
“Truth can be realized, if the pure Truth comes to reside in the heart.”
What a profound statement! Truth cannot be realized if we only discuss it intellectually or dialectically. Truth is beyond words and discussions as the real Truth is beyond the levels of the intellect. As Einstein said “Intuition is higher than Intellect”. Now Intuition, which cannot be defined, comes from within. In a close analogy the real Truth which is beyond time and space cannot be known until through Divine Grace it resides in the heart. And when it resides in the heart you will feel it, as a feeling of Divine Presence, continuously within you, irrespective of what physically and mentally you are involved with at any moment. This can only be achieved when through Divine Grace we learn to self-surrender to Him and let Him work His magic in our hearts. Vibrant Celestial Meditation, certainly, is the easiest path to this highest state of being!
~Inder S. Rattan, Canada
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