The Power of Effortless

Ross Corry, AustraliaVCM posts

We have all tasted the contrasting experiences of life :  firstly where life feels like a real struggle and it’s polar opposite where it feels easy , almost effortless. When it’s a struggle it seems like we have to give everything we have just to keep our head above water. On the other hand when life is flowing effortlessly, it seems like …


Ross Corry, AustraliaVCM posts

Inspiration. When it’s there its easy. You have it. It’s free. You write it, or voice it, or paint it, or observe it, or do with it as you please. Maybe you feel like you own it. You may or may not cherish it. The next day it’s gone. You reach for more. Nothing comes. You try harder, but where …


Ross Corry, AustraliaVCM posts

The “feeling of being unloved” lies at the heart of many issues and can cast a long shadow over one’s well-being. What we lack internally, we chase externally. But this pursuit produces only short term satisfaction and wears us down in the end. The most obvious way to remedy a “lack of love” is to seek it from others: if …

Inner Genius

Ross Corry, AustraliaVCM posts

Genius is something we normally ascribe to rare individuals – great people who have stood out in their disciplines, whether it be science, commerce, arts, etc. Einstein, Mozart, Leonardo Da Vinci and Steve Jobs are a few examples. We typically think of genius as belonging to these people. We imagine their genius as starting and ending with them, meaning we …

God’s Wonder

Ross Corry, AustraliaVCM posts

God’s wonder is easy to spot in the things we like – the beauty of nature, the resonance of inspired music, the touch of a loved one. What is more challenging (to the Ego) is to bear witness to His presence in the things we dislike – disease, mental anguish, loss, cruelty, prejudice, injustice, and so on. In fact it …