A life of deep connection to the Universal Intelligent Creative Life Force is a life of a spiritually lead soul. When living in a deep state of surrender, the world and all of creation may begin to feel as one connected universal existence. Being connected to a universal, intelligent, creative, limitless, life-giving force within and allowing for this to guide our life is the beginning of an awakened spiritual journey. Through this journey, one learns to let go and move into a state of deep internal submission with this all pervading oneness of existence.
This spiritual awakening and connection to who you truly are, an innate spiritual being, is a process that includes refinement of yourself. The journey of refinement is important on our spiritual journey; it’s about smoothing out our rough edges with a high-powered sander. It quickly and efficiently brings us back to a state of instant communication with our innate true spiritual self, this universal intelligent creative life force.
Something that often takes place on our spiritual journey of refinement is the experience of feeling separate from our spiritual self. The spiritual journey of refinement helps us grow with new insights that may bring us back to our true spiritual self, the universal intelligent creative life force. When we feel separate from the universal creative life force due various physical activities and interactions, we may feel turbulent. This turbulence may lead us further away from our true spiritual selves or lead us back to the core of our consciousness, a place of harmony, creativity, and connected universal intelligence. Embarking on a spiritual journey helps to refine ourselves and experience separateness with an awareness that cultivates compassion, acceptance, and universal love.
~Simran K. Rattan, Canada
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