God’s wonder is easy to spot in the things we like - the beauty of nature, the resonance of inspired music, the touch of a loved one.
What is more challenging (to the Ego) is to bear witness to His presence in the things we dislike - disease, mental anguish, loss, cruelty, prejudice, injustice, and so on.
In fact it is the presence of these darker and less palatable aspects of life that lead many to conclude that God does not exist or if He does...then surely he must be a cruel and merciless God.
Most people who believe in God deal with this quandary by attributing all things nice to God and all things ugly to the Dark Forces or the weakness of Man. We look at a spectacular marvel of nature and praise God for His handiwork, yet on the other hand we will curse the person who defaces a building with graffiti.
That which pleases us we deem Godly. That which we find distasteful we attribute to anyone but God.
Of course what is pretty to one person can be ugly to another and so we all have our own unique definition of God perfectly designed to match our own judgements… and clearly our judgements are anything but perfect.
The Scriptures of the World have passage after passage describing how God and God alone is behind ALL of Creation. He is ALL in ALL. Everything is in His Will. We cannot understand the reasons for many events and circumstances in the world and in our own lives - our human awareness is limited. But just because we don’t understand them, it doesn’t mean events (even those we don’t like) lack purpose. Everything and everyone has its own place and purpose in the Divine scheme of things.
Of course our Egos cannot really comprehend such a momentous Divine Order. The Ego is perpetually claiming everything as its own. I did this. I achieved this. I blundered at this. I am great at this and bad at that.
I, I, I.
Me, Me, Me.
And of course these judgments extend to others. She is mean. He is ugly. Why is he so stupid? How dare she treat me like that.
Thankfully, with a practice like Vibrant Celestial Meditation, this veil of delusion is slowly and irrevocably pulled away. God becomes more evident in everything. It becomes clearer and clearer that beyond the illusion of random chaos - is Him. Always.
When we are smart - He is there. When we are ignorant - He is there.
When we win - He is there. When we lose - He is there.
When we are strong - He is there. When we are weak - He is there.
As this awareness grows we are able to experience deep underlying peace and love, even in the most turbulent times. The difference between fortune and misfortune becomes smaller and smaller and less relevant. After all He lives within both polarities at all times.
However happy or unhappy you are with all the various aspects of your life, He is in every part of it. He is in every person, every circumstance, every place, every thought, every emotion. He is removed from none of it. Of course you might like more awareness of Him, but it is Him that bestows that awareness at the appropriate time.
Absolutely nothing needs to change for His Unfathomable Wonder to be in Ascendancy. It always has been, always is, and always will be.
And this is true of you and your life. For you and Him are inseparable.
Praise God.
~Ross Corry, Australia
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