The “feeling of being unloved” lies at the heart of many issues and can cast a long shadow over one’s well-being. What we lack internally, we chase externally. But this pursuit produces only short term satisfaction and wears us down in the end. The most obvious way to remedy a “lack of love” is to seek it from others: if only that person will love me then I will feel better. The problem with this, is that you will only feel loved when things are going well in that relationship. Deep down the feeling of being unloved persists and ultimately the relationship will come to reflect your own internal feelings. No one or no thing can truly compensate for the deepest feelings you harbour inside.
You need to “learn to love yourself” is common advice. If you don’t love yourself how can you truly love another person or even be open to their love. This is true, but for most people this is an abstract concept. What does loving yourself even mean? And more to the point - how do you actually do it?
The first thing to understand is that “true love” is already within you. This is the profound Unconditional Love that is the very fabric of the Universe. God is Love and Love is God. Whilst our focus is often on seeking interpersonal love, it is really only this deeper unconditional love that can satiate the deeper yearnings of our Soul. When you are in tune with this Divine Love, everything feels right, no matter how circumstances may appear on the outside. This is when you experience true peace of mind.
The good news is that there is nowhere to go and nothing to do in order to start aligning yourself with this Love. You already have it within you. It is in no way separate from you and it is your birthright to experience it. When you realize you already have all the love you will ever need within you, it is easier to experience it more. Ask for the love you desire to manifest in every aspect of your life. Allow it to shape your reality in it's own image. Let it flood your consciousness and purge unneeded emotions or heartache.
Pray for it, meditate on it, celebrate it and you will find you feel it and see it more and more. As you do, so you will love yourself and everyone else more deeply and unconditionally. You will be love and feel truly loved.
~Ross Corry, Australia
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