Road to Wellness

VCMVCM posts


Every now and then, one falls ill or struggles with maintaining wellness to cope with daily stress, strains and vicissitudes of life. One struggles with the colossal wisdom available on the types of food, exercises, supplements and lifestyles – which to adopt, which is the best to allow this body to remain well.

Side by side on the path of Total Wellness, one needs to also look at other components in addition to the physical body, which are the mind and the soul. Parallel development and health of all these aspects are absolutely essential. Most of the time, the mind overrules and dictates the body to do what is pleasing to the mind. An undisciplined mind plays havoc with the body and fails to listen to the soul's direction. For the most effective and efficient way to Total Wellness, the soul should overrule the mind, and align the mind and body to soulful thinking and being.

The scriptures of the world are abundantly illustrated with quotes that point to a common theme “the Supreme Consciousness dwells in the soul.” This body is the Temple of God. Sri Bhai Sahib ji, the founder of the VCM technique, often quotes that along with developing our body and mind, the soul needs to be developed so that the Supreme Spirit (Naam, Paramatma, Holy Spirit or Ruh Ilahi, Aad para shakti, Chi, Qi) can then direct the human being to follow the innate natural laws to be totally well in body, mind and spirit – a path to being in Cosmic Consciousness.

So to truly undertake the Road to Wellness, one must adopt a Path to Spirituality.

~Kanwal Jit Singh, New Zealand

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