The Presence Within

VCMVCM posts



When you strive and long for peace, I AM peace.
When you long for acceptance and belonging,  
I AM within you and accept you in totality, and the desire to belong is no more. 
When you feel unworthy, I AM within you and deem you worthy of GREAT things.
When you separate yourself and consider yourself different from your neighbour, brother, sister, friend or foe,
I AM you who sees yourself as ONE with ALL.
You are them, they are you, and WE are ONE in humanity. 
When your mind tries to comprehend and understand the meaning of life, 
I AM you who says there is nothing to understand, for I AM life.


I AM moments of joy, sounds of laughter, and colours in the sunsets.
I AM all these things and so much more.

I AM warmth you share with others, and love exchanged in hearts.
I AM a moment of happiness, waiting for you.

I AM you, who sees light in another, when all others see darkness.
I AM patience, tolerance and acceptance within you.


Let ME live in you
Let ME shine through you
Let ME work through you
Let ME protect you
Let ME guide you
Let ME love you
Let ME be you

I know you intimately.
I made you in my image and likeness.

When all others leave you, it is I who remain.  
I nurture you.
I fill you with my love.
I give you strength.

~Maria Peach, New Zealand

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